March 10, 2021 - Typically, when we think of Jupiter Systems, we do not think of retail applications, however there is a growing number of POS security applications managed by Jupiter Systems processors and more importantly Canvas collaboration software.
A good example is a major currency exchange retail operator with outlets in over 250 international airports around the globe, connected to a security operation center in Spain, where operators monitor live video streams converging from IP security cameras deployed in each retail store. They must be able to have a clear overview of each transaction and have the ability to examine them closely.
Jupiter Systems Canvas was selected as the solution of choice because of its ability to stream live video data back to the security center powered by Jupiter video wall processors.
For almost 40 years, Jupiter offers a full range of solutions for security applications using the most advanced video wall technologies available. With its advanced display wall processors, Jupiter can arm customers with the knowledge they need to act quickly and effectively to guarantee smooth and secured transactions.
By Daniel LeCour